Adult Literacy Program at The Kennett Library

The mission of the Adult Literacy Program (ALP) is to provide free educational instruction to community adults and to improve the literacy of the educationally disadvantaged to levels of proficiency necessary to function on the job, in the family and in society.

The ability to speak, read, and write effectively in English is crucial to living an independent life where one is able to not just survive, but also to thrive socially, economically, and emotionally. The benefits that ALP students receive from both English as a Second Language classes and from individual tutoring are evident as students improve their speaking, comprehension, writing, and reading abilities. Improving English-language skills allows our adult students to find employment for the first time or to improve their prospects for more lucrative employment opportunities, to better provide for their families, and to participate with greater ease in our community.

The Adult Literacy Program staff offers day classes and evening classes from September to May each year and trains community volunteers to provide individual help to any student who requests it. Most tutors provide English language practice and instruction; some tutors teach Civics to help students preparing to take the American citizenship test. Other tutors teach Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts for those students preparing to test for the General Equivalency Diploma. Tutor training is held at various times throughout the year. Should you be interested in volunteering, please call ALP Director Filomena Elliott at (610) 444-9118.